Is It Necessary to Pressure Wash Your House after flood?
If your home has been flooded with water, it can be difficult to know what needs done first when it comes time for cleanup and restoration efforts. The first thing you should do is call a Flood Restoration Melbourne company immediately.
One thing is certain though: the use of pressure washing is imperative so that there is no mould or mildew left behind after everything dries out completely.
Better Curb Appeal
You have the opportunity to make your house look better with the help of Flood Restoration Melbourne experts. It will be more attractive to potential buyers and renters who might be looking for a place that just needs a little bit of care.
It’s also important to consider what you want out of this process, because it can have an impact on the future resale value of your home. If you live in an area where there are frequent floods, then pressure washing your house may not make sense if it means sacrificing curb appeal every time it rains.
Remove dirt, mould, and mildew from home’s exterior
After a flood, it’s important to clean your home as quickly as possible. You may have heard that you should wait several days before you do any cleaning or pressure washing, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, pressure washing has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to remove dirt and mould from your home after a flood.
The best way to do this is either with an electric pressure washer or by hiring a professional Flood Restoration Melbourne service provider who uses truck-mounted equipment (which uses higher pressures than those available in consumer models).
An electric unit can be used in many places around your house where water damage occurred during flooding; however it’s not practical for removing mud from large areas like backyards because there isn’t enough power behind them for effective movement.
Extend the life of your home’s paint job
Even though your house may be structurally sound, it is important to remember that the paint job on your home was most likely damaged during the flood. Flood water can cause peeling and chipping of paint jobs, as well as other problems.
If you do not repair these issues, this could lead to premature aging of the paint job and, ultimately, another need for a new one in the future.
If you have a freshly painted house or apartment, it is recommended that you pressure wash it at least once every year or two; depending on how often it rains where you live. This will help extend the life of your paint job by removing dirt particles from its surface which would otherwise contribute to wear and tear over time if left untreated.
If your house has been flooded with water, it can be difficult to know what needs done first when it comes time for cleanup and restoration efforts. One thing is certain, though: the use of pressure washing is imperative so that there is no mould or mildew left behind after everything dries out completely.
While it may seem like a good idea to simply let everything dry out naturally and then begin your cleanup efforts, there is no substitute for pressure washing. In fact, pressure washing is one of the most important steps you can take in cleaning up after flood damage.
This is just one example of how the use of pressure washing can help improve your curb appeal and restore your home’s beauty after it has been flooded with water.
It doesn’t matter if your home was in a flood zone or not, as any amount of moisture on its exterior can cause serious damage over time which will eventually lead up needing repairs anyway.
If you have any questions about what else needs done when cleaning up after floods, give us a call at Total Flood Damage Melbourne today!