Flood Restoration Melbourne

What to Do If a Pipe Bursts and Floods Your Home?

The last thing you want when a pipe burst is for it to flood your entire house. But if you know what to do and act fast, you can prevent major damage. In this article, we’ll explain how to handle burst pipes, from turning off the water supply to calling a plumber and removing as much water as possible so that the damage doesn’t get worse. It’s better to hire a Flood Restoration Melbourne expert when it comes to floor restoration. 

Turn off water

To stop the flow of water, turn off your house’s main water supply valve. If you can’t find it, call a plumber. If you can’t turn off the water yourself and don’t have a plumber to call, call the emergency number.

Locate the source of water

While you’re looking for a source of water, check to see if there are any broken pipes in or near your house. If a pipe has burst and is spurting water, turn off the main power switch for your home.

Call a professional immediately if you can’t find an obvious source of escaped water. If you can’t find it because something is blocking access (like furniture), use a broom or mop to move things out of the way so that you can see where they should be going.

Call a plumber

You should call a plumber as soon as possible. Broken pipes can be very dangerous and cause serious damage to your home, so it’s best to contact a professional who knows what they’re doing. They have the expertise and equipment necessary to fix the problem quickly and thoroughly without causing further damage.

Having dealt with many situations like this before (and likely many more since), they know exactly how much time they need in order to get everything sorted out before moving on with their lives again without being stressed out about all those repairs that need doing right away!

Get as much water out as you can.

  • Use a wet/dry vacuum to get as much water out of your house as possible. The more water you can remove, the less likely it is that mould will form and cause damage to your home.
  • Move anything from the area where the pipe bursts so that it doesn’t get damaged by the floodwater. This includes furniture and appliances and things like personal files or clothes hanging up in closets or bathrooms (if they’re still dry).

Inspect your carpets and floors.

  • Inspect your carpets and floors. Check for water, mould, electrical, structural, and damaged items.
  • Check for missing items. If you’re missing anything (and you will be), this will help you figure out what to look for later on when you take inventory of everything that was lost in flood.
  • Be sure to check under furniture cushions, closets, and drawers and cabinets—anywhere water may have gotten trapped or pooled up.
  • Look for odours such as mildew or sewage that might indicate mould growth if there’s been a lot of standing water on your carpeting or flooring material.


Knowing what to do when you have a burst pipe flooding your house is important. It can be a stressful situation, but don’t panic! The most important thing is to turn off the water and call a plumber. If there is any damage from the flood, you should contact Total Flood Damage Melbourne and your homeowners’ insurance company as soon as possible so they can help cover the costs associated with repairing it.