carpet water damage Melbourne

Don’ts of Dealing with Water-Damaged Carpets

Carpets are one of the most important pieces of furniture in a house, and when they’re damaged by water, it can be devastating. That’s why it’s important to know the don’ts of dealing with carpet water damage Melbourne.

Here are the three main don’ts: don’t try to do any of the restorations yourself; don’t try to dry them out using crude methods, and definitely don’t hire anyone else – Total Flood Damage Melbourne is the experts when it comes to water damaged carpets.

Our team of experienced professionals will work diligently to restore your carpet to its former glory, and we’ll do it at a fraction of the cost of other restoration companies.

Carry out incomplete drying

Carpet water damage Melbourne can be a nightmare. Not only is the carpet ruined, but the furniture and appliances must be removed as well. If the damage is more extensive, the carpet may need to be completely dried before the furniture and appliances can be put back in.

For localized water damage, Newspapers can be spread over the wet area to help with the drying process. If the water damage is more extensive, the carpet may need to be completely dried before the furniture and appliances can be put back in.

In any case, make sure to allow time for proper drying – usually, 10 days under ordinary conditions, longer if there has been substantial flooding or other factors affecting moisture levels in the air.

carpet water damage Melbourne

Opt for a crude DIY approach

Water damage is no fun – it can cause unbearable odour and even ruin your carpets. If you’re struggling to get the stains out, or the water is still seeping in, it might be a good idea to call in the professionals. However, if you’re uncomfortable with the idea of having a stranger in your home, opting for a quick and dirty DIY approach might be the better option for you.

To do this, simply pour water onto the carpet and watch the damage unfold. It’s important to be cautious, however, as accidents can happen, so it’s always best to err on the side of caution.

Once the carpets have been damaged enough, it’s time to call in the professionals. Doing so will likely result in less work for you down the road and may even save your carpets from being completely ruined!

Attempt any kind of water-damaged carpet restoration

It’s tough to see the good in a water-damaged carpet, but it is possible to restore it to its former glory. However, before you even attempt it, be sure to understand the risks involved. Carpets are full of dust and other objects that can cause irritation and even blindness.

Additionally, the fibres in the carpet may have been damaged beyond repair, so treatment will most likely require the replacement of the entire rug. If you do decide to go ahead with the restoration, be sure to use a professional and protect your hands and eyes from debris while working.

Remember, a water-damaged rug will never look or feel the same again!

Hire us – Total Flood Damage Melbourne

Water damage to carpets is never fun, but it’s especially frustrating when it’s your own fault. Make sure to take the following precautions to avoid water-damaged carpets in the future: If water is seeping through the carpet, it’s in serious trouble and needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Let us take care of all of the dirty work so you can focus on your other concerns!

Don’t try to clean the water-damaged area yourself – this could only make the damage worse. Professional carpet cleaning companies like Total Flood Damage Melbourne are the best option for getting the carpets back looking their best as quickly as possible. Let us help you avoid water-damaged carpets in the first place!


Carpet cleaning is one of the most important tasks you can perform in your home. Not only is it necessary to remove all the dirt, dust, and debris, but carpet water damage Melbourne also requires special attention.

By following the don’ts of dealing with water-damaged carpets, you can avoid making the situation worse and ensure that your carpets are restored to their pre-water damage state. To get the best possible result, contact Total Flood Damage Melbourne, and our team of experienced carpet cleaners will take care of everything!